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Princeton About Us


We were founded on a simple idea: As we age, our memories from our formative years become increasingly important to our lives and identities. We hold on to the things that make us, us – the experiences, perspectives, and personality traits we developed in our youth.

Town Square’s programs put this philosophy into action because what we do is based in reminiscence therapy. When it was first discovered, reminiscence therapy revolutionized caring for people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other memory disorders. If someone’s current perceptions of reality are affected by the memories they lose, then we can communicate with that person based on the ones they keep – and the memories a person retains best are usually the ones from their young adulthood. And even a person with healthy cognitive functioning can benefit spiritually and psychologically from meaningful reflection on their deep past.

For those of us with loved ones who are senior citizens and may require someone to help them out or care for them, there can be a lot of questions. “How can I balance giving this person the care they need with my other responsibilities?” and “What would make a person who relies on a caretaker happy and fulfilled?” are chief among them. Meeting these needs is the driving force behind Town Square.

Town Square Princeton is a new concept in adult day care centers – our founders are longtime senior care professionals who are committed to helping senior citizens, including those with Alzheimer’s and dementia, live with a sense of purpose and joy.

In the spirit of community and engagement with which we operate every day, we open our doors to you so that you can see everything Town Square Princeton has to offer.


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    Town Square Princeton is a new concept in adult day care centers – our founders are longtime senior care professionals who are committed to helping senior citizens, including those with Alzheimer’s and dementia, live with a sense of purpose and joy.

    In the spirit of community and engagement with which we operate every day, we open our doors to you so that you can see everything Town Square Princeton has to offer.

    Who We Are

    We are facility leaders, healthcare professionals, activity professionals, and an entire staff of people who care deeply about the social needs of our seniors. We are all trained in a dementia and Alzheimer’s care program that focuses on what abilities remain with our members and implement a positive approach to care. We are equipped to meet the needs of people with memory difficulties while supporting their families.

    Our leadership team members’ backgrounds span the entire senior care industry, from assisted living and home care to physical therapy and skilled nursing to program development and memory care.

    Meet the team!

    What We Do

    Town Square Princeton is a 12,000 square-foot adult day care complex designed to immerse our members in the experience of a 1950s small town. Our center is divided into “storefronts”, each of which features a different category of activities or programming.

    Among our storefronts are a movie theater that plays ‘50s films and shows, a model garage with a restored 1959 Thunderbird parked in front, a library and learning center, and a haircutting salon. And these are just a few – the possibilities are endless at our 13 different storefronts, and there are always new activities and special guest events in store.

    All of this is made possible by our expertise in senior care and our use of reminiscence therapy techniques. According to studies, those who have dementia are best able to retain memories from their teens and early 20s. For people who are in their eighties today, those years occurred in the 1950s.

    Reminiscence therapy allows people to bring long-term memories to the surface and engage with those recollections using objects, music, imagery, media, and games that remind them of their youth. This therapeutic technique is not a cure for dementia – no such cure exists – but it has proven benefits in relieving such symptoms as nighttime wakefulness, mood disturbances, depression, and more.

    Learn more about our range of services.

    A Word from Our Owner

    “Everything we do
    and every decision we make,
    is an opportunity to improve the life of another.”

    We believe aging is to be celebrated, not dreaded. Embracing life for the outcome of all that has been lived, the wisdom acquired, experiences felt, milestones reached, and accomplishments attained, offers a different outlook. Even with all that is behind in life, there is still space for so much ahead. If we could only see every wrinkle as a laugh line, how different would the image and perception of aging be? We love to encourage our seniors in filling that space and time before them so life can be lived as fully and independently as possible.

    We create a culture of care that seeks to engage clients in favorite activities, revisit past interests, and even explore new pursuits. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of service and client experiences through our thoughtfully developed care delivery process.

    Thank you for considering us to care for and support your loved one. It is our privilege to provide care to our clients and to be able to help them write the next chapters in their story.

    Kevin Herman, MSPT
    Owner & President

    Developed by the Professionals at Senior Helpers

    Town Square was founded by the George G, Glenner Alzheimer’s Family Centers, Inc, and branded in partnership with Senior Helpers. Senior Helpers is a leading national senior home care provider with licensed, accredited agencies in New Jersey. This new concept for adult care was envisioned to give NJ seniors a safe community space with the best care available to support a goal for independence, as well as an exciting recreational destination.


    We believe we are at the forefront of the new wave of senior care. We stand out from all other adult day centers in New Jersey by providing safe and affordable care as well as a holistic, engaging experience rooted in the best memory research. Our standard of excellence includes good health, social engagement, laughter and fun, and opportunities to try and learn new things at any age.

    Discover Town Square Princeton

    Want to know more about us and find out if Town Square Princeton is right for you or a loved one? Contact us here – we’re excited for you to become one of our valued members.

    Town Square Princeton is located on the Princeton Medical Campus in Plainsboro Township and is proud to serve Mercer and Middlesex Counties and the surrounding area. We also offer the same high quality of services to people in Ocean and Monmouth Counties and the nearby area at our Jersey Shore location in Brick Township.

    Contact us today to inquire about enrollment in Town Square or find your local center today!

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