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University Parkway Blog

Our Blog: Covering Topics Senior
Caregivers Need to Know

Town Square University Parkway is committed to keeping our members and their families well-informed about the best ways to manage both memory conditions and normal aging. We regularly update with new articles that cover all aspects of adult day care. Our blog page is used to educate those living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other cognitive disorders as well as their loved ones. See our latest blog entries below, or contact us to schedule a tour of our center.

Caring For Your Parents

An exhausted and overwhelmed caregiver is at risk of getting sick, burnt out, or depressed.  If you find yourself in this type of situation, never be afraid to ask for help! Town Square is quick to offer resources, please reach out to University Parkway for more information about the resources available.

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Examples of the 10 warning signs of dementia

Examples of Dementia onset include memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language, disorientation, impaired judgement, problems with abstract thinking, misplacing things, changes in mood, changes in personality, and loss of initiative. Read more to find out how Townsquare University Parkway can help!

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Tips for Caregivers

Taking Care of an aging loved one can be a full-time job. Be sure to take care of yourself as well! Read more for some tips on caring for a loved one effectively, and see how University Parkway can help!

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The 10 warning signs of Dementia

Whether you’re concerned for yourself or someone you care about, it is important to know the warning signs of dementia so you can ensure an early diagnosis. Read more to find the 10 of the most common warning signs for dementia.

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What is an adult day center?

Adult day centers like Town Square University Parkway are used to relieve the caregiver of his or her duties for the day while ensuring that the cared-for recipient will still receive proper care in a safe and friendly environment.

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Tips on How to Reduce Caregiver Stress

Taking care of your loved one with dementia can, and will increase your stress level. However, there are many ways to reduce your stress levels as a caregiver. Town Square University Parkway allows you to relieve some of your stress, by keeping your loved one safe and happy.

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10 symptoms of caregiver stress

Being a caregiver is a very stressful full-time job. Taking care of your loved one with dementia can and will increase your stress level. There are many ways to reduce your stress levels as a caregiver. If you experience signs of stress on a regular basis, consult your primary physician. Ignoring your symptoms can cause your physical and mental health to decline.

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Who benefits from an Adult Day Center

Adult Day Centers offer many opportunities for attendees to participate in daily physical, mental and social activities that are meant to engage, stimulate and instill an ongoing sense of purpose and belonging while freeing up the caregiver to focus on their own needs and well-being during the day.

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